Vaping or e-Cigarettes have been marketed as safer than normal cigarettes, but the effects of vaping can be just as severe. A recent study found 100 per cent of the 52 e-liquids tested were incorrectly labelled, all of them containing deadly chemicals. This includes eugenol, which is used to euthanise fish and propylene glycol, which is found in paint.


Oftentimes people Vape because they think it will help them Quit Smoking, they perceive it’s cheaper than traditional cigarettes, taste better than traditional cigarettes, can vape in places where traditional cigarettes are banned, curiosity, seen as more acceptable than traditional cigarettes.


Seriously, if you are Vaping you are smoking. The same neuro-brain transmitters are engaged in the process of Vaping and Smoking cigarettes. Some clients find themselves Vaping much more than they were smoking. It can become a habit that overtakes and control you very quickly.


What is Vaping?


Vaping refers to the use of e-cigarettes, also known as 'vapes.' These devices are powered by lithium batteries and utilise cartridges filled with liquids, often called 'juice.' These liquids typically consist of nicotine, artificial flavourings, and various chemicals, some of which have been found to be toxic. When heated, the liquid transforms into an aerosol or vapor that is then inhaled into the lungs of the user.

Some vapes are designed to resemble traditional tobacco cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, while others resemble ordinary objects like pens or USBs. Despite not containing tobacco, many e-cigarettes still contain nicotine, a highly addictive substance, along with other chemicals. Inhaling these chemicals can be toxic, and some are included to impart fruity, alcoholic, or confectionery flavours to the product.


A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at Curtin University, with funding from Lung Foundation Australia, Minderoo Foundation, and the Scottish Masonic Charitable Foundation WA, examined the chemicals and toxicity of 52 flavoured e-liquids available for purchase in Australia without a prescription. The findings of this research revealed a mixture of chemicals that raise significant concerns regarding the safety of these products and their potential impact on the respiratory health of young individuals.


The Health Impacts of Vaping



Vaping poses significant risks and potential dangers to health. Although the long-term effects remain uncertain, short-term vaping has been linked to various adverse symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, irritation of the mouth and airways, chest pain, and heart palpitations. It is crucial to dispel the misconception that vaping involves harmless water vapour—it actually produces an aerosol composed of toxic particles.


These aerosols contain and release numerous harmful compounds, including:

  1. Formaldehyde and acrolein, which have the potential to cause irreversible damage to the lungs.
  2. Propylene glycol, a substance toxic to human cells.
  3. Nicotine, a highly addictive substance that can harm the developing adolescent brain, particularly affecting areas responsible for attention, learning, mood, and behavioural control.

Moreover, vaping has been associated with an increased likelihood of future cigarette smoking, positioning it as a potential gateway to further risks and health complications.


Program Investment


The Quit Vaping Program consists of 2 consultations. The investment for this program is $795.00.


If you want to Stop Vaping and regain control over this unhealthy habit please reach out to us via email or call us on T: 1300 72 31 36